15 May 2012

Smoking Behavior Among Children in Concern

Smoking behavior among children in Indonesia the day, there is increasing concern. How not, it is now into the public spotlight, not only domestically, but international mass media. After some time ago, there is the name Sandi, a toddler from Malang, East Java and Aldi, a two-year-old boy from Banyuasin, South Sumatra, which was so manic smoking. The children, unable to spend four packs of cigarettes every day. 

Later, came the news about the inspiration, the eight-year-old boy Sukabumi, West Java. He smoked since the age of four. In fact, often raged when the demand for smoking are not met. The case of young smokers, may be called iceberg phenomenon. There are thousands, even tens of thousands of young smokers out there who still escaped public attention. Did you know Health Research Data Base (Riskesdas) 2010? Nationally, the prevalence of people aged 15 years and over who smoked at 34.7 percent, of which 28.2 percent were daily smokers, and 6.5 percent smoke occasionally.

 Disturbingly, most of active smokers in Indonesia started smoking at an early age. Approximately 43.3 percent of smokers began smoking at age 15-19 years, approximately 17.5 percent started smoking at age range 10-14 years and 14.6 percent at age 20-24. Even among smokers began smoking as much as 1.7 percent since the age of five to nine years. From the analysis, noting the age of the smokers started smoking at the age of the children most often found in East Java (22 percent).

The next followed by Central Java and West Java in second and third. Young smokers now do not hesitate to smoke in public places, even at home. Environmental development of the child at this time is likely to condition the behavior of smoking it for granted. Effect of initiation of smoking among children and adolescents that emerged from the surrounding environment, ranging from playmates, neighbors, brother or sister, even ironically, from her own parents. Riskesdas 2010 shows, that the national prevalence of smokers age 15 and over who smoke at home reached 76.6 percent. In fact, about 68.5 percent of smokers aged 15-24 smoked with the other members of the house.

 Advertising and promotion was besieged from all sides, inside and outside the home. In fact, advertising and promotion often accompanies these events and activities pursued by the children and adolescents. With its visual power, these ads convey the message that smokers as being cool, brave, confident, creative and loyal friend. Very easy to lead children and adolescents, who are looking for identity, for a beginner smoker. 

Government certainly has a duty to protect young people from the dangers of cigarettes. One legitimate tool of government in meeting these obligations is through the product design of Government Regulation (RPP) of the Tobacco Products Security as addictive substances for Health, or known by the RPP Tobacco. (Adv)

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